A new law is being drafted to regulate public construction investments with the aim of creating more innovative foundations for and harmonizing the system of public construction projects. BIM modeling should become a dominant element under the prospective law in the preparation, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of construction projects. TSPC has already obtained the BIM ISO 19650 certification required in case the new law is adopted.
The prospective law is intended not only to improve the efficiency and predictability of the implementation of construction projects but also to lay down the fundamental rules on such projects from preparation to design to construction to the operation and maintenance of the structure concerned, with a particular focus on cost-effectiveness, the appropriate use of budgetary and EU funds as well as an observance on the principles of environmental sustainability.

The TSPC Group obtained the BIM ISO 19650 certificate covering all of its divisions, in March 2022. In addition to providing a framework for the BIM design processes, the ISO 19650 qualification carries a strong message: the TSPC Group is proven to be capable of delivering flawless BIM projects and providing general design, project management, and construction consultancy services meeting the most innovative international standards.
BIM ISO 19650 is an international standard applying to the processing of the information generated during the whole life cycle of the structure concerned. The standard’s framework organizes methodology recommendations, content, and format requirements regarding the entire BIM process. It regulates the different roles and responsibilities, communication and documentation processes, and structure.
How does this benefit all participants?
– participants in the design process can cooperate more smoothly and more quickly
– the client can save time and money
– the construction process is more controllable and efficient for the contractor

As progress is made in a project, the scope for changes decreases but the changes that are still possible become more and more expensive. Adding data and attributes to project elements during the BIM design process offers immense benefits in all construction projects. The information models so generated save time, energy, and money for all participants of the design process and the clients, in the methods of preparation, construction, and operation, as well as demolition. Savings can even be enhanced by continuous communication and data exchange between the participants of the project and by making sure that all relevant information can be retrieved in a structured form. The use of the shared central BIM model enables changes to immediately be displayed to all of those working on the project in other construction trades.
In a way unparalleled in the market, TSPC has organized the specialists of the architectural and engineering projects in a single group of companies so that it can provide complex expertise for its clients for comprehensive project process management through quick and efficient work organization. The TSPC group has been providing design and expert BIM services for years now – and from now on with formal international qualification – during the entire life cycle of construction projects from idea to completion.

Its services include construction designs and implementation coordination tasks covering all construction trades in the case of Hotel Dorothea or Millenáris Széllkapu Park, in the heart of Budapest. The construction designs and the preparatory works of the Tiszavirág Sportuszoda swimming pool of Szeged, the swimming pool of Zalaegerszeg, the Hungarian University of Sports Science, and the Archive of the National Széchenyi Library, have all been worked out with the BIM method. Some of our highly varied general contractor projects in which we used the BIM technology include, for instance: the National Archives of Hungary, Toperini Industrial Park, Vasas Sport Club Óbuda building.